8月3日まで開催中!「三原聡一郎 レシピ:空気の芸術」展で縁側の家に会える?
english follows
縁側の家の盟友で同志、三原聡一郎さんの展覧会「三原聡一郎 レシピ:空気の芸術」が慶應義塾ミュージアム・コモンズで8月3日まで開催中です。
この展覧会に縁側の家も何としっかり(うっかり)登場!三原さん、松谷容作(追手門学院大学)さんと縁側の家が共同開催をしている「3月11日に波に乗ろう」の展示コーナーです。circulation 青木裕介さんの素晴らしいドキュメンタリー映像や、秀シェフのお品書き、父あきらの竹細工など、東京の真ん中で縁側の家を少し体験いただける三原さんの粋な計らいです。ぜひ、会いに来てください。うれしくてにやにやが止まりません。感謝!
「三原聡一郎 レシピ:空気の芸術」
会期:2024年6月3日(月)― 8月3日(土)
会場:慶應義塾ミュージアム・コモンズ 慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス東別館
開館時間:11:00 ― 18:00
詳細:三原聡一郎 レシピ:空気の芸術
Meet the engawanoie at the exhibition “Soichiro Mihara: Recipe: Art of the Air” (open until 3 Aug.)
An exhibition “Soichiro Mihara Recipes: The Art of Air” is currently being held at the Keio Museum Commons until August 3.
Uuulalaaa! What a great appearance of the engawanoie in this exhibition! In the corner of “Let’s Ride the Waves on March 11,” which is co-organized by Mr. Soichiro Mihara, Yosaku Matsutani (Otemongakuin Univ.), and engawanoie, you can experience a part of the engawanoie in the middle of Tokyo, featuring a wonderful documentary movie by Yusuke Aoki, three years food-menu hand written by Hide-chef, and bamboo works by our father, Akira.
Please visit and experience our engawanoie. Can’t stop smiling!
Thank you very much and much love!
DATE: Monday, June 3 – Saturday, August 3, 2024 11:00 – 18:00
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays (Special opening on Saturday: June 22 and August 3, Temporary closed days: Monday, June 24 and July 29)
Venue: Keio Museum Commons (Mita Campus East Annex)
Admission free
Organizer: Keio Museum Commons
More information: Soichiro Mihara Recipes: The Art of Air
Soichiro Mihara is an artist who presents systems that openly engage with the world and interpret them into the “art” of materials and phenomena. This exhibition displays Mihara’s recent artistic practices, including his new artwork and “recipes” for his works. Visitors can experience the “Art of the Air” from various perspectives. By presenting the artworks and their recipes simultaneously, we shed light on Mihara’s concerns and practices regarding the relationship between artworks and descriptions, sharing imagination with others, and issues such as the artist’s intentions during their lifetime and reproduction/re-exhibition.
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