the house

5 minutes’ walk to beach and a station from the house


the story so far



第三章: とても静かな時間が流れています。そうして発見されるのを楽しみに待っています。はくびしんの親子は、短い期間ですが、2階の部屋を住まいとしてくれました。10代の女の子達の秘密の場所として選ばれ、ダンスの練習場となったこともあります。

第二章: ピアノが上手なお姉さんと、賢く足が速い弟の兄妹がこの土地に転校してきました。庭が広く小学校にも近いこの家をとても気に入った両親は、ここを借りることにします。兄妹は田んぼのあぜ道を通って通学しました。映画館はもうなくなっていますが、駄菓子屋やそろばん塾、お習字教室が近くにあり、兄妹の友達など子供たちがこの家を多く通ります。

第一章: この土地に移り住み、商いをして暮らしていたある夫婦がこの家を建てたのは、1958年のことです。近所には小さな映画館もあります。そうして建てられたぴかぴかの木造2階建ての一軒家で、夫婦と孫娘との三人の生活が始まりました。寒い冬のその女の子の布団の中は、いつも湯たんぽでほかほかに温められていました。1960年代の半ばに、女の子が東京の大学に進学すると、夫婦二人の丁寧な生活が少し続きます。

from 2016
chapter 5: we are here today and this story is to be continued as the engawanoie.

from march 11, 2011 to 2015
chapter 4: the series of disasters which occurred after the earthquake on march 11, 2011 brought a dynamic change to the house. even the house had just been standing quietly for several decades. when people start decontamination to get back home again, beautiful branches of kaki, as well as other greens of the garden were cut. it was big enough to reach a neighbor and too many kakis were dropped on their ground which is now polluted. therefore, all healthy powerful greens were removed from the house. there also were beautiful rice fields in the backyard of the house, it turns now into a grassland, the rice fields lack someone to take care of them.

from 1980s to 2011
chapter 3: it was very quiet and the house was looking forward to be found by someone. for a while the second floor was chosen by a masked palm civet’s family, sometimes it turned as a secret dance place for teenage girls.

in 1970s
chapter 2: now the house was occupied by a family who was looking for a house to move the land. the girl and boy went to school using a narrow path between rice fields. the small cinema was already closed but a candy store, an abacus school and a japanese calligraphy school were newly open around the house. there are many sign of life around there.

everything starts from 1958
chapter 1: the house was built in 1958 near a small cinema, by a man and wife who moved the land and worked as peddlers of daily goods. the man, his wife and their granddaughter, start their life in the brand-new wooden house. even on a cold night, the granddaughter’s futon was fully warmed by a hot-water bag. after the girl left the house in the mid-60s to study at an university in tokyo, the man and wife continue to live there.

photos: hoshi kana

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