The Little Garden/山田祥充君が宮崎の仲間と共に全国4ヶ所でツアーを敢行。その最終地に縁側の家を選んでくれました。最高!
昼間はみんなでサーフィン、夕方から音楽 & ひでシェフのフードを堪能する良き夜といきましょう!南風だと良いな。今からもうワクワクしています。
The Little Garden Presents WAVY JAM TOUR at engawanoie
date: 2024, 06,29 (Sat.)
open 18:00 / start 19:00
ミュージックチャージ: 1,000 yen + 投げ銭
music by Kentarow、まこちゃん、Yoshimitsu Yamada
food: ひでシェフ(別料金・メニュー未定)
midsummer jazz night engawanoie presents unplugged|Noboru Ando (double bass) solo performance Noboru Ando is one of our admired musicians and friends. we spent our student days together immersed in jazz music. he emerged in the jazz musical scene of tokyo from the days and for about 30 years since then, he has been performing at a concert almost every night.
this time, on the occasion of his trip to the engawanoie, we are pleased to present his solo live concert at the engawanoie! this journey is a part of new project of a film director Yuki Saito (anitoya). how could you miss the opportunity to be a witness of the chemistry between these two talents? join us, it will be a special hot night!!!
Noboru Ando (bassist)
Noboru Ando learned piano from his mother, a music teacher, for several years until the age of 8. at the age of 18, he met a double bass and started his career as a musician. he has been participating in various projects, including those with Kazuhiko Okumura (p), Mikio Ishida (p), Nobara Kotachi(p), Kayoko Matsuzaki (vo), CYBER PAPA、GURUW、PULSE CONVENTION、SPACE808、Qualtet GAUDAV, and many others. currently based in the Kanto area and active in live performances, tours, and recordings. find his concerts: ando-tsushin
スイスのチューリッヒを拠点にアーティストとして活躍を続けるアレックス・シャウヴェッカー。スケーター・スノーボーダーとしても知られ、出版、絵本作家、グラフィックアーティスト、イラストレーター、音楽活動などその活動は多岐に渡る。活動・作品のどれをとってみても、アレックスとしか言いようのない作風にはただただ憧れます。 今回は、近年の「crazy banana und hot dog(クレージーバナナ&ホットドック)」という名での音楽活動にフォーカス。ギターと歌のアコースティックライブを開催します!
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