new friends in ache
engawanoie newsletter #2
a cultural platform based in ocean side of fukushima prefecture
hello from engawanoie - december 2022 -

Hello dear friends! Welcome to engawanoie newsletter #2. This time we would like to share with you our happy encounters with new friends in Aceh, Indonesia. 
みなさま、こんにちは!engawanoie ニュースレター #2は、インドネシア、スマトラ島アチェの研究者・サーフコミュニティとのうれしい出会いについてお伝えします。早くアチェに行かなくっちゃ。

a beautiful bag from Juik
new friends in ache – icaios
I had the great honor to participate in the “ICAIOS – Public Discussion Series #91 Return to Surf in Post – Tsunami Aceh and Fukushima” on November 28, 2022. The…
watch the discussion I English
アチェとの出会い – icaios
11月28日にアチェ・ インド洋研究アチェ国際センター の トークイベント「仮訳:アチェと福島 津波 の後で 再びサーフィンに)」に参加しました。海と人とのつながり、そして人の生きる...

much arigato

Thank you so much, dear Adam Doering, for the invitation to the great discussion! Thank you so much to the organizer ICAIOS for wamr welcoming me as a speaker. Thank you so much, our new friend, dear Juik, for your friendship! We cant wait to visit you in person!


bonus / おまけ
if you are curious about our 311 event of 2022, the documentary film directed by takamasa iwasaki is available on youtube (click the below icon).


riding the waves on march 11, 2022
watch the documentary of our 311

2022年もありがとうございました。どうぞあたたかな良いお年をお迎えください!we wish you cozy and warm holidays and a happy new year. see you soon!

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ocean side of fukushima prefecture
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