we are pleased to announce the screening of “WAKITA PEAK” in the presence of the director, MASATAKA KIYONO! don’t miss this magical night at the engawanoie!
清野正孝 (masataka kiyono)1980年生まれ。湘南在住の映像作家。米国、Los Angeles City Collegeで映画制作を学ぶ傍ら、サーフィンーに魅せられる。帰国後、テレビドラマ制作会社の助監督を経て、フリーランスの映像作家となる。サーフィンの旅をテーマにしたアートフィルム作品ではブラジルのフィルムフェスで作品賞を受賞。本作『WAKITA PEAK』は初の長編作品となる。ショートドキュメンタリーコンテスト、ヌーヴェルヴァーグ主催。instagram
midsummer jazz night engawanoie presents unplugged|Noboru Ando (double bass) solo performance Noboru Ando is one of our admired musicians and friends. we spent our student days together immersed in jazz music. he emerged in the jazz musical scene of tokyo from the days and for about 30 years since then, he has been performing at a concert almost every night.
this time, on the occasion of his trip to the engawanoie, we are pleased to present his solo live concert at the engawanoie! this journey is a part of new project of a film director Yuki Saito (anitoya). how could you miss the opportunity to be a witness of the chemistry between these two talents? join us, it will be a special hot night!!!
Noboru Ando (bassist)
Noboru Ando learned piano from his mother, a music teacher, for several years until the age of 8. at the age of 18, he met a double bass and started his career as a musician. he has been participating in various projects, including those with Kazuhiko Okumura (p), Mikio Ishida (p), Nobara Kotachi(p), Kayoko Matsuzaki (vo), CYBER PAPA、GURUW、PULSE CONVENTION、SPACE808、Qualtet GAUDAV, and many others. currently based in the Kanto area and active in live performances, tours, and recordings. find his concerts: ando-tsushin
外出がつらいそんな真夏・猛暑日には、クーラーの効いた快適なお部屋で先日のトーク「VIVAここ、土地の声を聴け!」のアーカイブはいかがでしょうか?(日・英の字幕の完成まではしばらくお待ちください) Too hot to go out? Then how about to watch the recorded video of our talk on July 16th “VIVA here, listen to the voice of the land!” at a comfortable place? (Please wait for a while the final version with the English and Japanese subtitles.)
video description
「ViVAここ、土地の声を聴け!- レアンドロさん、教えて「田舎未来主義宣言」って何ですか?」(2023年7月16日、@縁側の家)出演:レアンドロ・ピサノ(キュレーター、ライター、研究者)、四方幸子(キュレーター・批評家)、松谷容作(追手門学院大学社会学部教授)、高橋優子(縁側の家)。詳細はこちら “VIVA here! listen to the voice of the land – Leandro, what is the MANIFESTO OF RURAL FUTURISM”? (July 16, 2023, @engawanoie) Speakers: Leandro Pisano (curator, writer and independent researcher), Yukiko Shikata (curator, critic), Yosaku Matsutani (professor at otemon gakuin university), Yuko Takahashi (engawanoie) . more about the event: here
トーク中にレアンドロが見せてくれた、現在国際芸術センター青森で開催中の展覧会「エナジー・イン・ルーラル」の画像(撮影・写真提供:レアンドロ・ピサノ)も合わせてどうぞお楽しみください!涼を求めて青森へ?大賛成!9月24日まで開催中です(展覧会は第1期と第2期があります)。展覧会の詳細はこちらでどうぞ。 Also you can enjoy the photos of the exhibition ‘Energies in the Rural‘ at the Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (photo by Leandro Pisano) which Leandro shows during the talk. Are you curious enough about the exhibition? It runs until September 24, 2023! Check more information about the exhibition: ACAC
“Energies in the Rural” exhibition at Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, photos by Leandro Pisano
レアンドロ・ピサノさんがベアトリーチェ・フェラーラさんと共に2019年に発表した「MANIFESTO OF RURAL FUTURISM /田舎未来主義宣言 (2019)」では、経済・文化・政治の都会中心な構造、そして田舎が周縁的な場所として認識される価値観が見直されるべき、という考えが示されます。実際にレアンドロさんが手掛けたアートフェスティバルInterferenze new arts festivalやLiminariaの模様を(ネット上にある情報から)のぞいてみると、テクノフェスのような、サウンドアーティスト大集合の会のような、あるいは真剣な討論が行われていたり、、、これは何だろう?
レアンドロ・ピサノ Leandro Pisano
キュレーター、ライター、研究者。アート、サウンド、テクノカルチャーの相互作用に関心を持ち、特に農村地域、辺境地域、遠隔地の政治的エコロジーを研究している。Interferenze new arts festival(2003)の創設者兼ディレクターであり、Mediaterrae Vol.1(2007)、Barsento Mediascape(2013)、Liminaria(2014‒18)などの電子・音響芸術のプロジェクトに多く携わる。主な展覧会に、「Otros sonidos, otros paisajes」(MACRO Museum – Rome、 イタリア、 2017)、「Alteridades de lo invisible」(Festival Tsonami、Valparaíso、チリ、 2018)、「Manifesto of Rural Futurism」(イタリア文化会館メルボルン、オーストラリア、2019)等がある。その他、世界数カ国にまたがり、大学や、ニューメディアの美学、デザイン、サウンド・地域再生プロセスに関するイベントにおいて、プレゼンテーション、カンファレンス、ワークショップを実施。『Corriere della Sera – La Lettura』、『Blow-Up』、『Doppiozero』、『Neural』、『Exibart』、『Nero Magazin』など、複数の雑誌に記事を執筆している。著書に『Nuove geografie del suono. Spazi e territori nell’epoca postdigitale』(Meltemi社刊、2017)。ナポリ東洋大学で文化・ポストコロニアル研究の博士号を取得し、現在はイタリア国立ウルビーノ・カルロ・ボ大学の英米文学の名誉研究員。
Leandro Pisano, an Italian curator who explores the complex dynamics between rural territory and urban space through technoculture, comes to the engawanoie!
The “Manifesto of Rural Futurism,” proposed by Leandro, reimagines the urban-centric structure of economy, culture, and politics as well as the marginalization of rural areas as places on the periphery.
Okey, I looked at his projects like “Interferenze new arts festival” or/and “Liminaria”, they looked like a fun techno festival, a happy meeting of sound artists and/or a serious debate, or… what is it? What is it?
Enough, let’s listen to what Leandro has to say first. I feel that the meaning of “here”, where you are, is becoming clearer for us in a positive sense. In this expectation, I named the event “VIVA here, listen to the voice of the land!” Yukiko Shikata (Curator/Critic) and Prof. Yosaku Matsutani will join as dialogue partners of Leandro (how gorgeous!).
Hope you can join our conversation wether here (at engawanoie) or there (online). Live broadcast will be hopefully available.
Date and time: Sunday 16 July 2023, from 14:00 (JST)/ 7:00 (CEST)
Place: tatami room of engawanoie
Live streaming: engawanoie YouTube
– Who are you, Leandro? – presentation by Leandro
– ‘MANIFESTO OF RURAL FUTURISM / Manifesto of Rural Futurism (2019)’ reading by Leandro Pisano
– Ask Leandro anything!
Leandro Pisano is a curator, writer and independent researcher who is interested in intersections between art, sound and technoculture. The specific area of his research deals with political ecology of rural, marginal and remote territories. He is founder and director of Interferenze new arts festival (2003) and frequently he is involved in projects on electronic and sound art, including Mediaterrae Vol.1 (2007), Barsento Mediascape (2013) and Liminaria (2014‒18). Among the sonic arts exhibitions he has curated, there are”Otros sonidos, otros paisajes” (MACRO Museum–Rome, Italy, 2017), “Alteridades de lo invisible” (Festival Tsonami, Valparaíso, Chile, 2018) and “Manifesto of Rural Futurism” (Italian Cultural Institute of Melbourne, Australia, 2019). He conducted presentations, conferences and workshops in different universities or during events related with new media aesthetics, design, sound and territorial regeneration processes in several countries worldwide. He has written articles in several magazines, such as “Corriere della Sera –La Lettura”, “Blow-Up”, “Doppiozero”, “Neural, Exibart” and “Nero Magazine”. He is author of the book “Nuove geografie del suono. Spazi e territori nell’epoca postdigitale”, published in Milan by Meltemi (2017). Leandro Pisano holds a PhD in Cultural and Post-Colonial Studies from University of Naples “L’Orientale”and he is presently Honorary Research Fellow in Anglo-American Literature at University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.
to celebrate the release of yuki saito (anitoya)’s new film “free & easy – the world of peace and co-creation” and in the presence of the director, engawanoie will host a world premiere at cinema engawa on saturday, june 10, 2023 after sunset, which we are very proud of!
日時:2023年6月10日(土曜日)日が暮れたらスタート 会場:縁側の家(福島県双葉郡広野町下浅見川桜田104-1) ※シネマ縁側。ゆるゆるやります。飲み物・食べ物の持ち込み大歓迎!
date: saturday, june 10, 2023 around-after sundown
venue: engawanoie (104-1 sakurada shimoasamikawa hirono-machi, futaba-gun fukushima prefecture)
*it’s a cinema engawa: between the outside and inside. once the sun goes down, feel free to stop by with popcorn and your favorite beverage.
『free & easy – 平和と共創の世界』(36分、2023年)
出演:渡辺浩平、志賀勇平、齊藤勇樹、遠藤夕子、助川剛次郎、小堀健太郎、酒井信幸、堀米輝樹、丸山晃俊、高橋優子、穴澤征匡、穴澤瑠波、水竹元、鈴木雅之、佐久間直樹、鈴木大祐、黒宮康志、藤枝亨 など
音楽:SOLO KEITA、堀米輝樹
監督・制作:齊藤勇樹 (anitoya) “free & easy – the world of peace and co-creation” (36 min., 2023) boarders: Kohei Watanabe, Yuhei Shiga, Yuki Saito, Yuko Endo, Kojiro Sukegawa, Kentaro Kobori, Nobuyuki Sakai, Teruki Horigome, Akitoshi Maruyama, Yuko Takahashi, Yukitada Anazawa, Runa Anazawa, Hajime Mizutake, Masayuki Suzuki, Naoki Sakuma, Daisuke Suzuki, Yasushi Kuromiya, Toru Fujieda, and more music: SOLO KEITA, Teruki Horigome editing: Yuki Saito, Yuhei Shiga filming: Yuki Saito, Yuko Endo, Yuhei Shiga, Akitoshi Maruyama director & production: Yuki Saito (anitoya)
how was our day on march 11, 2023? – yes, we had a very nice ordinary day. we met and surfed, ate and talked – that was all but isn’t that wonderful? now we are dreaming of march 11 becoming a day to look forward to being/spending time together, even if we are no longer around to organize it. so here’s a record of our ordinary but somehow slightly magical day on march 11, 2023, that we hope you enjoy!
oops, you don’t have enough time for that? no worries here’s the teaser.
The idea for “Ride the Waves on March 11” came about when Mihara stopped by engawanoie and was invited by the surfers to ride the waves and talk with them over a delicious meal. When I realized that the day I felt so special was an ordinary day in this area, I intuitively decided to make it a format that anyone could participate in on March 11. We would like to gather every year, making small changes to make it a fresh day for the locals as well.
3月11日に波に乗ろう / Ride the Waves on March 11th [2023]
開催地: 四倉海岸(福島県いわき市)、縁側の家(福島県広野町)
Places: Yotsukura Beach(Iwaki, Fukushima, JP)、engawanoie(Hirono, Fukushima, JP)
09:00 スタッフ集合 準備開始 / Staff gather for preparation
09:40 JR四ツ倉駅 参加者ピックアップ / Participants picking up at JR Yotsukura station
09:45 四ツ倉海水浴場駐車場 集合 / Meet at Yotsukura beach parking lot
10:30 浜へ インストラクターによるレッスン開始 / Go to Beach, Lesson by Instructor
12:00 終了〜着替え / Finish, change clothes
12:30 道の駅ならは天然温泉へ / Go to Hot Spa (Naraha Michinoeki)
13:15 縁側の家へ移動 / Go to engawanoie
13:50 特製ランチタイム / Special Lunch Time
14:46 黙祷 / a moment of silence
15:00 トークタイム(参加者全員で座談会)/ Talk time (Round table talk by all participants)
15:45 展覧会「縁側にて」レセプション / Exhibition “at Engawa” reception
16:00 終了 / End
exhibition “at engawa” – concurrent with “riding the waves on march 11” the engawanoie stands on a land which is clearly defined “here” and “there” by a line on the map. this one day exhibition “at engawa” invite you to reflect on shifting borders, sharing and body. we look forward to welcoming you with art works at “engawa”, a place witnessed the daily life of this land.
date/time: march 11, 2023, from 11:00 to 18:00 venue: engawanoie artists: marina komiya, atsuko murano abalos, pascal viout, soichiro mihara movie documentation: hirofumi nakamoto organizers: soichiro mihara, yosaku matsutani
watch the diary film by hirofumi nakamoto – engawanoie visits for the event on march 11, 2023
event 1 “riding the waves on march 11, 2023”
since 2022, we, soichiro mihara (artist), yoichi matsutani (aesthete) and engawanoie, have been organizing the “riding the waves on march 11”. as a second edition for this year we will surf at yotsukura beach in iwaki city. we surf, eat and talk together. that’s all!
curious about the event? see the diary film (on january 14, 2023) by hirofumi nakamoto. and the documentation of last year’s event on march 11, 2022 by takamasa iwasaki.
check the exclusive one-day exhibition “at engawa” on the day!
I had the great honor to participate in the “ICAIOS – Public Discussion Series #91 Return to Surf in Post – Tsunami Aceh and Fukushima” on November 28, 2022. The discussion got me thinking about the connection between the ocean and people, and the environment and community in which people live.
So, here is a summary of the discussion in Japanese to share with our friends in Japan. The entire discussion was recorded and is available on ICAIOS’ Facebook page in English: here
11月28日にアチェ・ インド洋研究アチェ国際センター (ICAIOS – Aceh-International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies)の トークイベント「Public Discussion Series #91 Return to Surf in Post – Tsunami Aceh and Fukushima(仮訳:アチェと福島 津波 の後で 再びサーフィンに)」に参加しました。海と人とのつながり、そして 人の生きる環境やコミュニティを考えさせられる内容でしたので、ぜひみんなと共有したくこちらレポートをお届けします。
本トークのタイトルでもある「Return to Surf in Post-Tsunami Aceh and Fukushima」(仮 訳:アチェと福島 津波の後で 再びサーフィンに)は ピーターさんとアダムさんの研究プロジェクト の一つ。土地や環境との関わりが深いスポーツ愛好家は、災害後の比較的早い段階でその土地に戻る、という世界各地での先行研究を踏まえた研究です。なお、たいていの場合、最初にその土 地に戻るのはサーファーだそう。人と環境、人と海との関係がどのように日常生活に影響を与える かを言語化するふたりの研究は、身体と土地の関わりに強くひかれてきた私には、とても興味深 い内容です。
Return to Surf in Post-Tsunami Aceh and Fukushim with Adam Doering | Lecturer at Wakayama University Yuko Takahashi | Surfer from Fukushima Sarani Pitor Pakan | Phd Writer at University of Otago, New Zealand Monday, 28 November 2022 | 10.00 AM (Ache)/ 12.00 AM (Japan UTC + 9) Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS Live on ICAIOS Facebook Page www.facebook.com/ICAIOSAceh
I am very honored to have been invited to participate in a public discussion session on “Return to Surf in Post-Tsunami Aceh and Fukushima” organized by ICAIOS, Icaios Aceh-International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies and looking forward to sharing our stories with member of ICAIOS, Adam Doering, Sarani Pitor Pakan and YOU! Everyone is welcome, so please join us!
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